We looked at where children eat and sleep around the world from different continents and countries. I am writing a letter to an Indian boy called Manoj. We share the same life conditions, but we can still cheer each other. Here's my letter to him and some pictures. Enjoy!
Dear Manoj,
Hi, how are you? Hope it's all well! I am writing to tell you a bit about my family and myself. I am an African girl called Abeke. I am 15 years old. I have four other siblings, two sisters, Adanna and Adamma. Also I got two brothers, Adebayo and Abiolo. We live in a hut in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria. We live in the rural areas.

We spend around 10 dollars on food per week. Our favorite dishes are Jollof rice, Efo (Greens Stew), Dodo (Fried Plantains). In our town, we grow some potatoes, rice, tomatoes, cabbage and other few plants. We sell some of the vegetable to get some money for the week or the month.
I've read your story, it's pretty sad. It's not sympathy, it's more like empathy my friend. I live in the same situations as you. You don't really need to be rich in order to be happy. I pass by the rich houses when I go to buy the grocery. The people don't really seem to be happy. I like where I live. I thank god for what I have, I sleep on some blanket, it's not too comfortable but it's what we have.
"Life plays tricks with magic sticks, and makes life's swaps and switches people's economy high and their joy low and the poor ones glow, because they don't plan events they just go with the flow." -Abeke
Here's a quote I wrote to prove that you don't have to be rich to be happy! So smile and thank god for what you have!
Ours lives might not be much but we can still make something out of them. I know a lot of talented kids in my little town who can make a change in the world. They can sing, dance, some can write poetry, some are even talented at just being funny or being themselves. Life isn't about money. But if you have it, watch where and how you spend it. Here's a message that we could get to those rich people who spend their money on big houses and cars when they don't need them.
I have to get going now, I hope this really helped you Manoj. Greetings to your family. Stay safe.
yours faithfully,