We just started our Geography unit! I am super excited! To start off we had to watch this video, And now we have to this assignment to finish off.
Do you guys know what Globalization means? If no, here, let me tell you.
Globalization is communicating with people over the world in many ways. For example, marketing, financial, economical, industrial, informational, etc. And that's through, communication, trade, and transportation. I could relate this to the CPR (Canadian Pacific Railway). Canadian white men, black slaves and Chinese workers worked together on it. This allowed transportation, trade, and communication. So to Zuhair and Walids question, yes it was worth it! Maybe not in the days where the workers where treated badly and NOT with equality but now it plays a big role in Canada's globalization! So Globalization is communication, trade and transportation in marketing, financial, economical, industrial, informational and more activities.
These average faces are made my photo's of people of different races and genders and use photo shop to stack them up. The most common feature is the one appears in the result. Those facial identities change over generations due to the change of genetics I believe. For example, maybe two married people from two completely different race and skin color get a baby and that way the created a whole new combined Identity. Also
While playing around with the website "Faces of Tomorrow", I noticed many things. First of all, I noticed the different characteristics in different people's faces from different places of the world. Second, one thing that really caught my attention is the characteristics change as the different identities and genders are added to the stack of identities. Third, I noticed that in every country the female and male faces look very similar. This shows that in each country of the world there is certain physical characteristics make up most of the population's identity whether it's skin color, eye color, nose shape etc.
After playing around with Face Research I believe that this is the face of tomorrow for there reasons. To begin with, because it's in a middle range of skin color. Second, It shows off both genders. The females with the soft feature in the face and the shape of the eyebrows. The males, with the shape of the nose and the short hair. Third, It's a mixture of a lot of identities, so it's hard to define it as one certain identity.
As being from the middle east I think my characteristics show my identity pretty well. For example, I got the wide, dark, wild eyes. I got the pale, yellowish skin. My dark hair, sharp nose and also the religious head-wear counts as one too.
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