Saturday, December 4, 2010

Professor Scott 2nd Visit!

We are honored to have a Great historian/ storyteller to come to our class and talk to us about history. He tells history as if he's telling a story. It's Great! I am just reflecting to Miss P about  his 2nd visit to our class.

What did you learn ?

-First  cotton mill was created in ,1844, in Quebec.

-Canadians were the first to invent many things. (something we should be proud of!) 

-Colonel John By is the genius who built the Rideau Canal. 

Which technology interested you?

Telegraph is the technology that interested the most.

 How did it impact society?

-Without morse cod and telegraphs we would have no telephones or any other way of communication. 

-The telegraph lead to phonograph, telephone, then radio,  and then photography and then the other media in these days such as TV, Internet. 

-It impacted our society in many ways such as:-  It was a small machine that worked with dots and dashes. (in the picture below)

This is my name in morse code: 
....   .-    -.     .     .   -.
(H)  (A) (N) (E) (E) (N)

- It was only a small machine and then went through changes with time and generations to become more advanced. This lead to the advanced ways of communications we have now. 

Tie into a big Idea. 

I would tie this into our BIG History idea; Every big event begins with a small step. 
 I would tie it into that one because without telegraphs, automobiles, etc,we would not have had those advanced technologies. So every big technology started off as a simple machine.




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